開心企業 2021 happy company

ARDEX has been awarded the logo of【Happy Company】|ARDEX再次獲頒發「開心企業」標誌

10th May 2021

We are pleased to announce that ARDEX Hong Kong has been awarded the logo of【Happy Company】by the CMA and the HKPHIF for 3 consecutive years.

We believe a caring and pleasant workspace is the best way to inspire innovation and cherish talents. As a caring employer, we will strive to create a joyful, harmonious and productive working environment.

ARDEX Hong Kong連續3年獲得由香港中華廠商聯合會和香港提升快樂指數基金頒發的「開心企業」標誌!我們明白為員工提供一個舒適愉快的工作間才能激發創意和留住人才。在未來的日子,我們定必繼續努力營造一個愉快、和諧與生產力兼備的工作環境!