Webinar Library
Webinar Library

Webinar Library
Welcome to the ARDEX Webinar Library, your guide to an assortment of presentations about topics you’ve told us you want to learn about. We’re always adding new content, so check back frequently for new videos. If you have a video idea, be sure to drop us a note here. We’d love to hear from you!
ARDEX Quick Webinar Season 2:
地板膠水示範 ARDEX AF 148 | How to apply flooring adhesive | 廣東話
如何修補損壞的石屎/英坭砂? ARDEX A45/A46快速修補砂漿 | How to repair concrete using ARDEX A45 / A46?
ARDEX Quick Webinar Season 1:
#16: 施拿與底油 | Sealer and Primer
#15: 抗負壓防水膜 | Damp Proof Membrane
#14: 相對濕度 vs 含水量 | Relative Humidity vs Moisture Content
#13: 快乾英坭真係快乾?! | Terminology – Hardening vs Setting vs Drying
#12: 金玉其外的防水? | The Little Things that Matter in Waterproofing
#11: 一個天台 兩類防水 | One Rooftop, Two Systems
#10: 專有名詞大拆解(3) | Terminology (3)
#9: 黑雨後的紅館 – 天面防水篇 | Hong Kong Coliseum Rooftop Waterproofing After Black Rainstorm
#8: 合成橡膠防水測試篇 | Sunthetic Butyl Rubber Testing
#7: 合成橡膠防水深度學習篇 | Sunthetic Butyl Rubber Deep Learning
#6: 25年保養?! 合成橡膠防水膜 | Synthetic Butyl Rubber Sheet Membrane with 25-yr Warranty
#5: 防水專有名詞大拆解(2) | Waterproofing Terminology (2)
#4: 防水專有名詞大拆解(1) | Waterproofing Terminology (1)
#3 Roof Top Waterproofing (Part 3)
#2 Roof Top Waterproofing (Part 2)
#1 Roof Top Waterproofing (Part 1)
Best Practice for Basement Specification Against Below Grade Water
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